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ASE 2019
Sun 10 - Fri 15 November 2019 San Diego, California, United States
Mon 11 Nov 2019 11:00 - 11:30 at Cortez 1A - Productivity
Tue 12 Nov 2019 15:20 - 16:00 at Kensington Ballroom - Poster Session: Doctoral Symposium

High-fidelity GUI prototyping provides a meaningful manner for illustrating the developers’ understanding of the requirements formulated by the customer and can be used for productive discussions and clarification of requirements and expectations. However, high-fidelity prototypes are time-consuming and expensive to develop. Furthermore, the interpretation of requirements expressed in informal natural language is often error-prone due to ambiguities and misunderstandings. In this dissertation project, we will develop a methodology based on Natural Language Processing (NLP) for supporting GUI prototyping by automatically translating Natural Language Requirements (NLR) into a formal Domain-Specific Language (DSL) describing the GUI and its navigational schema. The generated DSL can be further translated into corresponding target platform prototypes and directly provided to the user for inspection. Most related systems stop after generating artifacts, however, we introduce an intelligent and automatic interaction mechanism that allows users to provide natural language feedback on generated prototypes in an iterative fashion, which accordingly will be translated into respective prototype changes.

Mon 11 Nov

Displayed time zone: Tijuana, Baja California change

11:00 - 12:30
Automatic Generation of Graphical User Interface Prototypes from Unrestricted Natural Language Requirements
Doctoral Symposium
Kristian Kolthoff Institute for Enterprise Systems (InES), University Of Mannheim
Improving Collaboration Efficiency in Fork-based Development
Doctoral Symposium
Shurui Zhou University of Toronto
Inference of Properties from Requirements and Automation of their Formal Verification
Doctoral Symposium
Marina Reich Chemnitz University of Technology/ Airbus Defence and Space GmbH

Tue 12 Nov

Displayed time zone: Tijuana, Baja California change

15:20 - 16:00
Poster Session: Doctoral SymposiumDoctoral Symposium at Kensington Ballroom
Automatically Repairing Binary Programs Using Adapter Synthesis
Doctoral Symposium
Vaibhav Sharma University of Minnesota
Improving Patch Quality by Enhancing Key Components of Automatic Program Repair
Doctoral Symposium
Mauricio Soto Carnegie Mellon University
Improving Collaboration Efficiency in Fork-based Development
Doctoral Symposium
Shurui Zhou University of Toronto
Automatic Generation of Graphical User Interface Prototypes from Unrestricted Natural Language Requirements
Doctoral Symposium
Kristian Kolthoff Institute for Enterprise Systems (InES), University Of Mannheim
Tackling Build Failures in Continuous Integration
Doctoral Symposium
Foyzul Hassan University of Texas at San Antonio, USA
Enabling Continuous Improvement of a Continuous Integration Process
Doctoral Symposium
Carmine Vassallo University of Zurich
Generating Tests to Analyse Dynamically-Typed Programs
Doctoral Symposium
Stephan Lukasczyk University of Passau
Inference of Properties from Requirements and Automation of their Formal Verification
Doctoral Symposium
Marina Reich Chemnitz University of Technology/ Airbus Defence and Space GmbH